Monday, November 27, 2006

Random Movie Review

V For Vendetta

You ever finally give into a movie that you had very little interest in seeing only to find out that not only wasn't it as bad as you thought, but that it was actually quite good? Well then you're a liar. I do that all the time. My latest submission, V For Vendetta pleasantly surprised.

V4V is the first movie for the Wachowski Brothers since finalizing the Matrix Trilogy. They carry over a few of the same unique slow-motion camera angles that made them famous and put together a solid movie that contains all the elements of a good action movie - Cool fights, things blowing up, and a hot chick...and plot, acting, story yadda yadda. The main character, aptly named "V" is a very interesting character, he is far from Keanu Reeves as "The One", but pretty damn cool none the less. He is the center of a captivating action scene that rivals any of the fight scenes the Matrix has to offer, and that is saying something. Natalie Portman plays Evey, and fills the 'Hot Chick' requirement for a good action movie nicely. Instead of telling you about her character I'm going to show you two V for Vendetta Promotional pictures:

Picture 1 is a great reason why she makes my laminated list of Hot Women, filed under /Hollywood/Actress/Current/2006/November/ Women_Named_Natalie/Natalie_Portman... but picture 2 confirms why she belongs. Picture 2 has her head shaved, and looking drastically different from the Natalie we know and love, yet there she is, pulling it off without a hitch still looking all delicious. What does this have to do with the movie, you say? Well, I would ask you keep all questions until the end of the post. Thanks.

V for Vendetta is not the best movie I have ever seen, but it is far from the worst. I'll save that for another post where I may not be nearly as nice with "Stuart Saves His Family". My only guess is this is one of those movies that got skipped over at Blockbuster, or passed on at the theater, after all that's what I did. So I'm glad I finally watched this movie, it's good enough, it's smart enough and doggone it, I liked it.


At 4:09 p.m., Blogger Kate From England said...

Welcome to the touching annual celebration that is Guy Fawkes night. Yes, in the UK, we like to commemorate a fella that tried to blow up our parliament buildings. We caught him and killed him for it, and now, once a year, we burn an effigy of him to deter would-be bombers. Oh, how poignant, and doesn't it seem to be working so well!

History lesson over. Glad you enjoyed the movie, good old boys can't forget Stars Wars can you!!


At 10:19 a.m., Blogger Harris said...

I can't wait for the porno spin off...V for ....dammit...can't come up with anything.

At 9:59 a.m., Blogger Rob said...

If Natalie Portman is in the porno spin off of V, that would be awesome. Oh wait, that never happens...

At 11:21 a.m., Blogger Greg said...

Actually Rob, I think Tom Hanks and Matt Damon had small cameo's in 'Shaving Ryan's Privates'.

At 11:21 a.m., Blogger Greg said...



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