WARNING - Entering A Tracker Free Site
The management at Cyberspace has decided to make this a tracker free site until further notice. Every blog I regularly visit now has a tracker plugged into it, and as much as I enjoyed visiting those sites multiple times a day to see if it was updated with new life learnings, comical banter, or comments, or more simply to kill 3-4 minutes of work - I have stopped doing so. Why? I don't know actually, maybe I liked lurking in the shadows more than being watched, watch you. As far as I can tell I knew you were all visiting my site, and me yours, and blogs have always made for great in person discussions when we meet up proving our loyalty. For the week I had my tracker it was nice to confirm it (Thanks for stopping by BTW!), but the novelty has worn off. It was even interesting to see that a few people from Portugal, France and Australia visited my blog during that time... but I don't know who they are and my intention isn't to entertain or update those people, and for those venting posts where it's nice to just write, I don't need to have anyone read it, or atleast prove it.
Do I want you to take yours down? Maybe a little part of me does, but I'm okay with it, at very least get the same week long learnings mine gave me. I do ask you post at minimum a 1/5 ratio of checking your stats however, after all, if you have time to check those... But perhaps me visiting less is a good thing or perhaps eventually I'll realize I throughly do enjoy watching you, or at very least the anticipation of catching a glimpse of a new post, even if you can see me (sorry for the continuous dirty old man references). Maybe these will encourage more comments, and I hope it does. That is a good thing.
This post is not a direct response to SnH's post about having one - atleast she told us she was watching us. I sure didn't tell you and for that I apologize. And I'm in no position to tell you how to run your blog, only posting my personal reaction to these trackers - personally I'm a little surprised at how my reaction to this experiment turned out. Anyway, stop by Cyberspace when ever you please as often as you please. But I would ask since I've confirmed you do in fact visit, some several times a day, to share your comments more often, even if it's just to say hi or that you liked/dislike the post.
I stopped by as I am killing a few minutes before I head out for the day. Maybe instead of reading your bolg though, I should be posting on my own! Oh well.
Ha, I think your neighbor is refusing to take down his Christmas lights until you post ;)
Chicken and Egg Syndrome - I wonder what will happen first!
Glad that I could provide more fodder for your blog...
What can I say, you're my muse!
I agree with the tracker thing. I felt weird knowing that people could tell where I came from and where I'm going. I started saving all the blog addresses in my favorites so people couldn't tell where I was coming from.
Not sure why it bothered me either.
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