Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Summer Television: Reality Bites?

Tonights episode of Lost pretty much sums up my fall TV schedule. 24, Heroes, Lost, Survivor, ER, CSI and a few others have all finished. But this upcoming summer TV season, unlike most others, I have reason to be excited for weeknight and general downtime PVR time killers. Incase you didn't know...I love my "Reality TV" and Summer is chalked full of it:

Last Comic Standing is a fantastic TV show. About the best elimination (and fairest) of any show that puts it into the publics hands. And these people are FUN-KNEE! I'm glad it's back, it would rank probably in my top 5-6 favourite current shows. And unlike American Idol, this show actually gets better as the "bad people" in the early shows are eliminated.

Hells Kitchen - I got into that last season and really enjoyed it. That crazy chef is one fucked up dude.

Big Brother - Honestly, Big Brother is OKAY at it's best (although LTA will yell at me for saying that) but I tune in quite often and find myself entertained.

On the Lot - just started with last nights premiere. So far so GREAT! Future of this show looks bright too with fantastic guest judges and celebs then again Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg could create the real life Mr. Hankey and turn it into a top 5 show. (Note to self, pitch MB and SS on a show about a piece of talking shit)...speaking of Mark Burnett and crazy pitch ideas Pirate Master starts next week. Mark Burnett, Pirates, 1 million dollar prize... I sure hope Jeff Probst isn't out of a job here, but this will be a hit as well.

Other shows worth taking a peak at

- The Real Wedding Crashers probably has a few more shows left in it. Pretty good prank show

- The Academy is a Police Academy reality show, but without Bobcat it may not fly.

- American Inventor 2. Fun to flip to now and then, not a regular, but not bad.

Other Shows I won't be tuning into:

- The Simple Life 5...Nope! Okay, maybe just too see if anyone in this car wreck gets hurt.

- America's Got Talent - Nope and Nope. And this time, not even to see the car wreck that is "The Hof"

- So you think you can Dance? Nope I don't. Nuff said.

- The Next Best Thing - A Celebrity Impersonator show - It's ABC... they're trying. Here's a celebrity impresonation for them "This is not going to be a 'really big shoe"

So I'll have to keep a keen eye on my PVR recorded level this summer. With Baseball 2 nights a week, and my guess right now school another 2 nights a week, I'll have much less time to watch a lot more TV... Sweet.


At 9:16 a.m., Blogger Jennifer said...

Ok - so I would have to disagree on Big Brother - three nights a week of pure can't deny it! I haven't seen any advertising for it - do you know for sure if it's coming back?

Where is Rockstar damnit???!!!

PS - thanks for the link - that was fun!!


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