Monday, August 13, 2007

Can I pass?

So here's the deal. I write my Phase II Real Estate Exam on August 25th @ 9am. I have 60 classroom hours to make up, plus an additional 10-15 of proper studying time. Take the following pluses, or minuses into account and guess my mark.

It's ALL short answer, no multiple choice. (Minus)

You need 75% to pass, no 50% BS... (BIG MINUS)

It's open book. (Plus)

They're 1,000 page books and you MUST know exactly where to look (Minus)

There are 6 Units with 3 subdivisions in each, so call it 18 major lessons. (Minus)

I have studied and am confident with 2.5 of them as of this moment. (Minus)

It's Monday night, technically 12 days before I write my exam. (Minus)

I get the keys to my very first house on August 23rd. (Minus)

I have a lot of meetings, bank visits and minor shit to do to get that house closed. (Minus)

There is a slim chance during those meetings I will learn something important that will be on the exam (Plus)

I (we) have to pack the entire townhouse before then. (Minus)

If my job workload this week was a campfire sign it would be a faint yellow with a green tinge colour. (Plus)

I am pissing away Saturday and Sunday this weekend with Football / drinking related shinanighans. (Plus)... oops Minus

I'm writing this post rather than actually studying. (Minus)

My true goal is to get to a point where if I get really lucky I can pass the first time, but to gain enough knowledge to make my re-write 2 weeks after I fail, a breeze. (Minus)

Guess away:


At 7:15 a.m., Blogger Sara said...

I'm going with 68%. Because you're a smart guy and I assume your common sense will get you through a lot of the test... but I'd assume that the test is relatively difficult (as most open books are), and getting a full 75% isn't going THAT easy to do.

Too bad, if it was multiple choice I would say you have it in the bag...


At 11:21 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

72.8%...if it's a sunny day, 73.8%...ohhhh, so close!

At 9:06 a.m., Blogger Deb said...

hmmm, lot of minuses on your list there. Still I'll be the first to comment that you'll pass. 75% bang on.

At 7:12 p.m., Blogger Rob said...

This is phase 2 of 3, I believe I've heard you say? So that would mean this unti represents 1/3 or 33% of what a real estate agent has to know. And you only need to know 75% of it to pass? SO that's like 75% of 33%, or 24.75%

So the question in fact, is do you think you know 24% of what a real estate agent knows?

I think we all know the question to that...

At 9:46 p.m., Blogger Melissa said...

Good luck Greg!


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