Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Work Christmas Party

It's work Christmas Party time and it can be a good thing or a bad thing. For some people a Christmas party means sandwiches and punch in the boardroom where random $20 gifts are secretly exchanged, and most times you would rather a) just keep the gift you bought for someone else, or b) wish you kept the twenty. For others a huge hall, fancy dinner and awkward encounters with various employees you barely know including the accounts payable girl who's name you're pretty sure is Gupta. Not to mention the Boss dressed up as a drunk of his ass Santa Claus, an excuse to get the ladies to sit on his lap (you've all had that guy don't lie). Now and then you get a nice 40-50 person party, drinks appetizers, good company (even if it is work chat) and all in all a pretty decent time. For me, working for a company that consists of 12 people, 3-4 of which are never in the office, makes for a quiet Christmas Party, or so you would think.

This year, the full gang, spouses included are piling into 2 big ass limousines around 11am on Friday and heading to Niagara Falls for the Night. Included in this trip will be Limo (there and back), Nice Hotel, Dinner at the Keg, Breakfast at the Hotel, and I'm guessing some drinks in the Limo, and open tab during dinner.

Got to be honest, I'm looking forward to this variation of the Christmas Party. If everything goes as planned it will be a great time - some great food, some gambling, some shooters, some general hijinx while in Niagara Falls. Now if you'll excuse me I need to find a Santa suit.


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