Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So I stumbled across this really cool website (Read: Stole the idea from The World of Mr. H)

I must say quite the cool little mo-fo. Easily create your own playlist of almost any artist, any song in just minutes. It's like plugging $1,000 into the office juke box. What's that??? Your office doesn't have a juke box? You poor souls. Anyway, now it does - and you own it. Check it out

Here is a playlist I created in honestly like 4 minutes - I think this will get me through the rest of the day.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Addicting Game Alert: Dice Wars

I told you lightning pool was frustrating - mostly just kept playing for the sake of trying to finish it. 63 levels, no end in sight - enough with that game. I've been playing this one for a month or so now, it's much more fun - very quick version of Risk.

Dice Wars

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cal State Marching Band

This video should finally bring peace between the worlds nerds and bullies. Keep in mind it's shot upside down, but fantastic none the less.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Work Christmas Party

It's work Christmas Party time and it can be a good thing or a bad thing. For some people a Christmas party means sandwiches and punch in the boardroom where random $20 gifts are secretly exchanged, and most times you would rather a) just keep the gift you bought for someone else, or b) wish you kept the twenty. For others a huge hall, fancy dinner and awkward encounters with various employees you barely know including the accounts payable girl who's name you're pretty sure is Gupta. Not to mention the Boss dressed up as a drunk of his ass Santa Claus, an excuse to get the ladies to sit on his lap (you've all had that guy don't lie). Now and then you get a nice 40-50 person party, drinks appetizers, good company (even if it is work chat) and all in all a pretty decent time. For me, working for a company that consists of 12 people, 3-4 of which are never in the office, makes for a quiet Christmas Party, or so you would think.

This year, the full gang, spouses included are piling into 2 big ass limousines around 11am on Friday and heading to Niagara Falls for the Night. Included in this trip will be Limo (there and back), Nice Hotel, Dinner at the Keg, Breakfast at the Hotel, and I'm guessing some drinks in the Limo, and open tab during dinner.

Got to be honest, I'm looking forward to this variation of the Christmas Party. If everything goes as planned it will be a great time - some great food, some gambling, some shooters, some general hijinx while in Niagara Falls. Now if you'll excuse me I need to find a Santa suit.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Addictive Game Alert: Lightning Pool

Bah, it's okay. Kills the time thats for damn sure. But really more frustrating in some spots than fun. It's no portal.

Lightning Pool

Turn your speakers down if they're on, otherwise you'll get busted on the opening screen with a loud CRASH - I'm not working!

Can of " Where Yah Beans?"

At first glance of my title to this long awaited post you may think I'm going to explain where I've 'bean' of late, and why my blogging has lacked posts. And while it would have been a very witty title if it were - this post is actually about a can of beans.

I received a mysterious and somewhat surprisingly heavy package for it's size today at work. It was addressed to 'Grey Cory' so I assumed that meant me. Understandably it's far from Ms. Chanadaler Bong as far as mistyped names go, but whatever is inside this package is off to a rocky start. Now while the contents were mysterious, the company it was from was not. Marked UNDERSTAND > CREATE > DELIVER it was heavily branded NIMLOK, a display and exhibition solutions centre. For those who are not in the know, that means simply they provide and create trade show booths. Something I've once contacted them about. But lets get back to the package itself shall we? (Thats what she said).

Aside from the branding and misspelled name one other thing about the packaging struck me as odd. Along the top of this package, in huge print was the term "BAKEABLE"... another misprint maybe? Obviously not.

So yes, suspense aside, inside the package was this:

It reads:

Front: Pictured above

Where have you been?

(of course the "a" in bean is crossed out to really hammer down the play on words we're going for here)

We haven't spoken for so long. Was it something we said, or something we didn't say?

Such as...

Back: (Because the cliffhanger on the front left me in suspense)

Nimlock having way more than 57 mixes in it's exhibition capabilities. (As I just typed that I picked up on another fucking play on the beans, 57... Heinz... Heinz 57... Jesus, now we're really getting into it).

We'd like to ketchup (sorry), soon

[Oh dear. Now they're actually apologizing for these puns. I suppose if you're apologizing for them, I can forgive you. Just don't do it again].

So expect to hear about a company in the exhibition industry that isn't half-baked (sorry again.)

[I'm starting to think they're not all that sorry. And 'Half-Baked', that's not even a good one.]

So there it is - that is my can of beans update. So let's discuss the pro's and con's of this half baked promotion - and no, I won't apologize for using the term half baked, because unlike their use of it, mine makes sense.


1. Nimlock Name Recognition - I suppose if I was ever on the market again for Trade Show equipment, I would have to recall the guys who sent me beans right?

2. Free Lunch

1. I failed to mention above that also marked on this package was the Canada Post stamp that read: $6.33. WOW. How many $1 cans of beans did they send out at $6.33 a clip, for a total of $7.33 each?

2. If you think about it, it's more of a clever little way to string 5-6 puns together than it was an effective promotion (unless of course one of you readers goes out and buys something from them based on this post). And I find when things are done as a way to be clever than effective (i.e. a phone call for the low low cost of NOTHING)it leads me to believe some intern thought of it after he took an extended lunch break where he met up with his other intern buddies, and boiled a bowl of grass. Not to discount some of the great ideas that can be thought of immediately after smoking drugs, I'm just not sure this was one of them.

I think instead of further evaluating this promotion, I will go for an extended lunch with the shipping intern and enjoy my $7 can of beans for lunch. Although next time, if I could pass along one piece of advice for the NIMLOCK people, the beans baked in maple are REALLY good.